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Nadine's Hypnobirth - Jacob's birth story

** Jacob Bryant - 23rd November 2016 - 3.12kg - SJOG Murdoch **

Long before I was ever pregnant I knew I wanted to have a hypnobirth. I'd heard such beautiful stories of calm and natural births. I couldn't think of a better way to bring a baby into this world.

When I found out I was pregnant, a friend referred my husband Phil and I to Laura and we got started on our course around 24 weeks.

Most nights I would fall asleep listening to my hypo tracks and each morning I would listen to my birth affirmations while Phil drove us to work. The one affirmation that really struck a chord with me was "I am prepared for whatever turn my birthing may take." My biggest fear was getting all the way through and ending us with an emergency caesarean. I really wanted to be prepared and open to wherever my birth may end up.

At 37 weeks and 5 days I had an ultrasound to check if my placenta had move out of the way to allow a natural birth. Unfortunately it hadn't. I was absolutely gutted!! All those weeks of visualising my perfect hypnobirthing and now I had to be booked in for a caesarean in five days time.

Over the next few days I listened to my affirmations for a caesarean birth continuously. I also listened to the fear release track.

On the morning of Jacob's birth, I was surprisingly calm. I was excited and quietly reflecting on how our lives were about to change forever. I listened to my affirmations on the drive to the hospital while feeling my baby boy tap dancing in my tummy. He must have known it was a special day.

We got settled into our room and before long we were being wheeled down to theatre. With Phil at my side I practiced my calm breathing and kept my thoughts focussed.

The vibe in theatre was very positive. There were lots of laughs while we got prepped and ready. The longest part was putting in my epidural. I held Phil's hand and looked into his eyes while doing my deep breathing to keep myself calm. Then we were ready to go.

Within minutes, before we even know if was happening, we heard Jacob squeak. We were so surprised to hear him (this was before we even know his gender). A sudden flood of emotions just took over me. I will always remember that moment. Before long, the paediatrician came around the curtain and introduced us to our SON. We were so surprised, we'd been convinced by everyone that we were having a girl. We were absolutely thrilled.

I have to thank my affirmations and visualisation for keeping me calm through my whole birth experience. It really was such a special day and I only have positive thoughts when I reflect back on the day. I honestly don't feel live I've been cheated out of my chance to have a natural birth. Besides...theres always next time :) Thanks Laura for all of your help

Lots of Love,

Nadine, Phil and Jacob


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