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Hypnobirth Stories &
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Courtney's Hypnobirth - Jasper's birth story
** Jasper Keeley - 2nd May 2016 - 3.98kg - Narrogin Regional Hospital ** On the 2nd of May I gave birth to a healthy hypnobub. During my...
Zoe's Hypnobirth - Taj's birth story
** Taj Bloomer - 23rd December 2015 - 3.91kg - Fiona Stanley Hospital ** I first started my hypnobirthing classes with Laura at 30 weeks...

Mechelle's Hypnobirth - Henrique's birth story
** Henrique Pangler – 24th November 2015 – 3.41kg – Armadale Hospital ** I'm Mechelle, mother of 2 beautiful boys. I attended...
Zoe's Hypnobirth - Taj's birth story - A dad's perspective
** Taj Bloomer - 23rd December 2015 - 3.91kg - Fiona Stanley Hospital ** When Zoe and I found out we were pregnant we were really...
Rikki's Hypnobirth - Navannah's birth story
** Navannah Rose Schulze-Slob - 18th September 2015 - - Armadale Health Service ** At 10.30 on the night before my estimated due date I...
Jade's Hypnobirth - Preston's birth story - A dad's perspective
** Preston Bavaro - 15th August 2015 - 3.06 kg - Family Birth Centre ** Before completing the hypnobirthing sessions with Laura, I didn't...

Jade's Hypnobirth - Preston's birth story
** Preston Bavaro - 15th August 2015 - 3.06 kg - Family Birth Centre ** At 445am this morning 15/08/15 I got a contraction. I thought I...
Sara's Hypnobirth - Alice's birth story
** Alice - 26th December 2014 - - Royal Women's Hospital Melbourne ** I had many fears coming into the birth of my baby girl Alice. We...
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